
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Kids! Always look at those below your status to feel contentment

Ubqari Magazine - December 2015

Ammi interrupted her and said, Dont be ungrateful,consider those below your status and dont look at those above your status. If you look at the people who are poorer than you, you will have a feeling of contentment. On the contrary, looking at more affluent people creates jealousy in the heart.

Coming back from college, Amber threw her books on the table and fell on the bed. Her head was spinning and she was very exhausted. Ammi asked anxiously, “What happened? Are you alright? You got late today? Was there any function in the college?” “No ammi, there was no function”, Amber replied in a wearied tone, “The college bus was out of order”. Ammi looked at her affectionately. “And you know well”, Amber said again, “first of all, there is scarcely any bus, and even if it comes, there is no space even to step in, what the hell is this!!” Ammi smiled, “We have to make sacrifices to gain knowledge and your times are better that there are buses, wagons and rickshaws. Just imagine about the condition of the people when there were no buses, wagons or rickshaws. People used to travel miles away on foot in trembling cold and scorching heat to quench their thirst for knowledge.” After a little silence ammi said, “You are not alone; thousands of girls have to suffer the same situation daily”. Ammi was right in whatever she was saying but Amber finally said what kept her disturbed all the time, “You are right ammi”, she said, “but some people are very fortunate, my class fellow Aneela is so rich. Three cars are parked every time at their gate and what do I have?” Ammi interrupted her and said, “Don’t be ungrateful,consider those below your status and don’t look at those above your status. If you look at the people who are poorer than you, you will have a feeling of contentment. On the contrary, looking at more affluent people creates jealousy in the heart and our life becomes miserable.” Ammi’s way of explaining things was very inspiring, her words impressed upon Amber’s heart. Then she said, “There may be some girls in your class who don’t even have money to pay bus fare, how do they manage daily?” “Yes ammi! Samina walks four kilometers daily for coming to college.” Ammi said, “You should be proud of her that she does not care about any hardships to get knowledge.”  Ammi became silent but Amber’s heart had changed. She was determined not to be ungrateful ever again and to fight every trouble for gaining knowledge.


The purpose of life is to serve humanity:

I and Anwer were childhood friends, we lived in the same street and we were class fellows. Both of us were good at studies. In the evening, we used to go together for playing cricket in the park. Anwer was a simple person and had a great passion for helping others. Our class fellows knew his habit and often made him do their work by making different excuses. I used to make him realize but it did not affect him. He was always ready to help others. He belonged to an affluent family and never had to worry about money. My father was an honest government officer and we had to depend on his salary to meet our needs. I wanted to become rich. Time passed on, after finishing the university, Anwer started looking after his father’s business. He gave me a good job in his office. But I wanted to become rich in no time, so I borrowed five million rupees from Anwer and went abroad. There I worked day and night. Initially, I did small jobs. I had to starve and stay homeless, I had to bear the festers of life but I did not lose courage. Eventually, my business flourished. In the beginning I was in contact with Anwer but gradually I was so busy in my work that I forgot all my friends. Twenty years passed, and now I owned a big business. I had everything that I wished for. Suddenly after twenty years, I had to come to Pakistan due to some work. I met all my old friends. I asked them about Anwer and went to his office. The office building was magnificent but I was surprised to see his room that was so simple. I asked an employee there, “is this Anwer’s room?” he said, “Yes! But he is yet not here, he called and told that on his way, a car hit a cycle rider and he was taking him to the hospital.” I laughed and said, “Your boss has always been like this.” I asked him, “Where does your boss live? I will see him at his home.” The employee wrote Anwer’s address on a paper and I went out. I compared my thinking and character with Anwer’s and felt disgraced in my own eyes. What I did all my life? I kept running after money to enjoy ease and comforts and Anwer remained busy in earning for life here after. I had tears in my eyes, alas! I had followed Anwer’s path. He was really a rich person and I am still poor. He had the wealth of good deeds and was earning prayers for himself. Those who help the needy become successful in this life and after.

[Selection: Sanwal Chughtai, Ranjhu Chughtai, Amman Zebu Chughtai and Bhooral Chughtai] Ahmed Pur Sharqia


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